JUBUSAR - I don't know if it's a gay lingo or not. But as far as I remember, my berkz (barkada/peer group) in college says that it means "abusar" or abuse in english. There are lot of ways a person can be abused. It could be physically, verbally, emotionally, etc. Anybody can abuse somebody. Employers can abuse their employees. One way of that is having them work their asses off everyday for more than the usual 8 hours that they had to and even doing work beyond their duties and job description without being paid on time. Imagine the effort of waking up very early everyday and spending your own money for fare and food just to be able to report to work. Yes! They'll have you get paid amounting to the number of hours you have rendered but they cannot pay the pain of waiting and the stressful days and nights of thinking where to get the budget to be able to survive the next days to come. Have they not thought about it or they just don't care? As what my friends say, jubusar na na! as in JUBUSAR - abusar! :)
Uncover the Hidden Gems of Northern Mindanao
5 weeks ago
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